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5 Amazing Shower Designs for Water Addicts


Having the perfect bathroom does not always mean having the perfect bathtub, as shower lovers would argue. There are pretty amazing bathroom design that feature cool shower decision that all water addicts will appreciate. We have selected five stunning options which are suitable for different styles and sizes and hopefully you can find inspiration for your own project as well. Some of the bathroom settings are made of natural stone tiles, which you can easily recreate by choosing the most appropriate ones from the great selection we offer 


Shower units with glass walls 

Having your shower unit separated by the rest of the premises via a glass wall is a pretty standard solution. Changing the form of the enclosure or the position of the shower, however, can turn this option into a pretty modern concept.  

  • A round glass cabin surrounding your shower can make it the focal point not only in your master bedroom but in your entire home. A minimalistic design, which however, stuns with its majestic appearance is surely a good decision for both small and bigger bathrooms. 


Image from Homedit

  •  If you prefer the more geometric approach you can opt for a rectangular cabin combined with a square mirror on the ceiling and a broad-head shower. Properly placed this glass-encased shower can be both a dividing and collecting element in the overall décor 


Image from Homedit

  • Another option is just to have a glass door that leads to your personal shower retreat. Combined with a window with stunning view it surely is a guarantee of relaxing bath time. 


Image from Homedit

  • A shower cubicle completely exposed to the outdoors is a challenging concept. There is only a glass wall that divides the bathroom from the yard. The combination between in and out surely looks amazing as long as the lack of privacy is not bothering you. 


Image from Homedit


Light-governed shower space 

Using the appropriate light can change the appearance and the atmosphere of each room in your house and this is valid for a shower-fitted bathroom as well. Using natural or LED light or the combination of both can create a really unique feeling. 

  • Natural light is the best option and having a window in your bathroom is always advisable, whenever possible. Depending on your location the bathroom window will give you amazing views of your surroundings and add light and freshness. 


Image from Homedit

  •  Skylights are the perfect solution to let the sunshine in your bathroom and enjoy having a shower under the warming light of the sun. The trend is quite modern for other premises such as kitchens, bedrooms, etc but is surely a great solution for your bathroom too. It is also a way to admire the beautiful view while retaining privacy. 


Image from Houzz

  • LED lights are perfect for creating romantic atmosphere and adding space even to small shower cubicles. You can use accent lighting to create the atmosphere you are looking for. There are also some shower heads with incorporated lights that are temperature sensitive and change the colour accordingly. 


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Image from Homedit



Image from Homedit


Shower bathroom with a spa feeling 

Going to a spa center is often associated with laying peacefully in an aroma bathtub surrounded by candles and tender music. Recreating the spa atmosphere at home, however, does not necessarily mean you need to have a bath. 

  • Use the right materials and textures. Choosing natural stone tiles such as marble, travertine, limestone, granite or a combination of them for your bathroom walls and floors is the easiest way to recreate spa atmosphere. You can also add accessories like a chandelier, candles a wooden shower floor to improve the décor. A combination of a bathtub and a walk-in shower is also a sure trick for turning your bathroom into a private spa center.  


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Image from Homedit


  • Install multi direction showers. Having a vertical shower can be relaxing and refreshing but the innovative horizontal shower unit by Dornbracht completely changes the idea of having a shower. This luxurious unit offers the perfect combination of enjoying the free falling water of the shower and the comfort and relaxation of laying. Surely this will be an unique experience. You can, of course, opt for a multiple vertical shower heads that spray water in jets and massage your body while standing there. 


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Image from Homedit


Cave-like shower 

If you want to turn your bathroom into a natural cave-resembling space all you need to do is let your inspiration guide you. Choose natural stone tiles and wood to decorate the setting around your shower. You can even create a small waterfall to add to the natural feeling of the place. Having a shower in such a bathroom will surely make you feel that you have run away from the everyday troubles of a busy city life. 


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Image from Homedit



Image from Homedit


Outdoor shower 

The outdoor shower is not a new concept and it has different usage depending on the type and location of the shower. 

  • Shower near the pool. It is great to have a shower near the pool but it is even better if you have a modern "shower gadget" that perfectly fits your modern home. This circular shower unit can be installed near the pool, on your patio and garden and since water jets come from every direction, except from below, you can enjoy your mini-spa outdoors.  


Image from Homedit


  • A slate corner shower before the entrance of your house. This is an amazing idea if you have a house on the beach. Just take a quick shower to take off the sand before you enter your home. 


Image from Sunset

  • A shower oasis in your garden. You do not need a lot of space to have the tropical shower you have dreamed about. Use a combination of stone and green plants to recreate this look in a secluded space in your backyard 


Image from Homedit


Hopefully we have inspired more shower lovers who would like to have their own perfect shower retreat to take action rather than simply admire the beautiful pictures on the internet. If you need some more ideas or our professional advice on the best natural stone for your design, we are here to help

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